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President's Message - Spring 2024


Updated: Dec 30, 2024

Dear New Hampshire Highways Readers:

As I begin my year as president of the New Hampshire Good Roads Association, I want to recognize a more profound awareness about the vital role this organization plays in simply bringing people together. Whether we are having fun or working together to address critical issues — there is no other forum quite like Good Roads.

I do not have any personal experience outside of New Hampshire, but I think you would be hard pressed to find another state or region where all of us “competitors” work so closely to help each other succeed. I’m certain everyone reading this has in one way or another been affected by a relationship that was either created or made stronger by Good Roads — and we all know that we cannot succeed alone — but as a group, working together, we could build a road to the moon.

I would like to encourage all our members to think about what they value most about Good Roads and get involved this year. Whether it’s reaching out to our elected officials and asking them to advocate for more highway funding, participating in the workforce development initiative, or just meeting someone new at one of our events that might grow into a business relationship down the road. Those are things that will help pave the way for this organization and our industry to thrive for years to come.

Everyone is an important piece of the puzzle, and I ask you no matter who you are or what you do to please reach out to myself, Brenda, or any board member with thoughts, or suggestions that you have, and help us to continue building this excellent organization.

In closing, I hope you will plan to join us for the Equipment Showcase Open on July 26 at Beaver Meadow Golf Course and Canterbury Woods Country Club. This year we will be hosting the Summer Social, formerly VIP Night, at Beaver Meadow the evening before the tournament on July 25. We are adding cornhole to the fun along with a great showcase of equipment and excellent food. It’s an evening you will not want to miss! I encourage you to invite some of your coworkers and reach out to others in the industry who have never attended before. You can easily register for golf, exhibit space, and sponsorships online at the NHGRA website.

And save the date for the Fall Social this year being held at Church Landing in Meredith on November 2. Dust off your cowboy boots because we are bringing back the western theme, along with live music by Whiskey Horse! These events are excellent opportunities to network and have some fun. We hope you will all be able to join us.

I look forward to seeing everyone and wish everyone a safe and prosperous construction season.


Adam Bates


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