Good Roads = Good Jobs
By Larry Major, Workforce Development Committee Chair
The Workforce Development Committee continues its progress networking with the education community and seeking opportunities for our industry to introduce itself to future employees. Over the summer the committee accomplished the following:
Tech Camp — In July, New Hampshire Good Roads participated in the University of New Hampshire’s Tech Camp, offered through the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences, by hosting a bus tour of a few ongoing highway and bridge projects for a civil engineering group. The tour culminated in a featured bridge project hosted by E.D. Swett. Their Waukewan Bridge replacement project in Center Harbor is small in size but big in complexity. It includes retaining the original stone headwalls while installing new structural headwalls behind them. There are all the normal wetlands considerations for maintaining water quality and numerous wildlife concerns.
The students were able to walk the project, ask questions, and participate in activities that the E.D. Swett crew put together. Good Roads supplied hard hats and snack bags. Pike Industries donated vests and safety glasses. UNH provided lunch and ice cream. The bus tour culminated with student presentation day back at UNH. Good Roads attended this event along with educators and parents. It was very impressive — complete with model bridges, water quality filtration experiments, and lively descriptions of bridge construction concepts.
We have been welcomed to participate in the Tech Camp for 2023 and are currently working with UNH on next year’s curriculum.
What is Tech Camp? Since 2007, the University of New Hampshire has been working toward bridging the gap between our state’s educational system and workforce development through a program called UNH Tech Camp. Every summer, middle and high school students visit the UNH campus in Durham to collaborate with one another through activities focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Continuing Education Day — A byproduct of the UNH Tech Camp experience was an introduction to the New Hampshire Career and Technology Education continuing education day sponsored by the New Hampshire Department of Education and held at the University of New Hampshire in August. This was a professional development event for educators and administrators. Chris Robert, E.D. Swett, and Brenda Clemons, NHGRA attended and had positive engagement with attendees. Many were unaware of the broad spectrum of jobs that exist within the horizontal construction industry.
Construction Career Days — In September, New Hampshire Good Roads prepared an exhibit for the return of New Hampshire Construction Career Days in New Boston. This event was cancelled due to COVID for the past two years but made a great come back this year. We were prepared — and more inspired than ever — to promote the great jobs our industry has to offer. Over 1,500 high school students attended from all parts
of the state.
Thank you ESO Golfers! And one last BIG THANK YOU to all the golfers who participated in the Casino Hole contests at the Equipment Showcase Open! Your generosity made it possible for us to stuff snack bags and donate hard hats for the bus tour and allowed the Workforce Development Committee to purchase signs and promotional materials to effectively communicate with the different audiences that we are engaging with. We’ll keep working hard on this initiative. Your support clearly indicates how much you value this work.
Larry Major, Pike Industries
Jason Riley, Maine Drilling & Blasting
Adam Bates, Weaver Brothers Construction Co.
Will Hess, Hess Engineering & Construction Consultants
Chris Robert, E.D. Swett, Inc.
Meghan Theriault, Town of Gilford
Matt Valle, Haul Hub Technologies
Eileen Meaney, NH Department of Corrections
Brenda Clemons, New Hampshire Good Roads Association
If you are interested in learning more about this effort and staying up to date, please contact Brenda Clemons at the Good Roads office: Ask to be put on the Workforce Development contact list.